In some remote parts of Scotland and the surrounding islands, getting deliveries, emergency provisions, etc. can be pretty costly and when relying on vans, taxis and ferries can also be badly affected by severe weather conditions allowing everyone to be connected easier to vital mainland services.
Over the last year, a series of tests have been carried out by local councils and partners including Royal Mail and the NHS to use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or Drones to deliver post, medicines and most recently school meals!
Argyll and Bute is Scotland's second-largest local authority with 23 inhabited islands and the trail area for the latest test with deliveries of school meals. The local council hopes that if successful it will allow more children in remote areas access to healthy fresh school meals.
The latest test has seen the UAV deliver a tub of Mac n' Cheese and a Strawberry Yoghurt from Oban airport to Lochnell Primary school - covering a distance of 0.9miles (1.5km).
This is still in very early planning and trial stages as part of the new Vertiport which is being built at Oban Airport as a UAV Innovations Logistics Hub, some of these limitations include the drone being limited to a max weight of 3kg due to current regulations around the sizes of drones, however, the outcomes of these trials will go a long way to help with proof and feasibility that the concept and idea are worth it and helpful at making even the most remote of locations easily accessible.
If you are interested in seeing the drones in action for yourself, Oban Airport is having an open day on the 25th of June 2022 where they will be showcasing the use of their delivery drones.