October 5th Newsletter


Illiminata, Plant sensors and more!

Welcome to this week's newsletter, we've got a new Plant Monitor for multiple microcontrollers, the Illiminata and a fantastic selection of RFID products.


Plant Monitor

October 5th Newsletter

Monk Makes Plant Monitor

£8.94 inc VAT

Monitor soil moisture, temperature and relative humidity measurement with the Plant Monitor. This board is compatible with the BBC micro:bit, Raspberry Pi, Pico, Pico W and most microcontroller boards.



An LED Bulb for use with microcontrollers.

The board is designed to make it super-easy to attach a high brightness bulb to a Raspberry Pi, Pico, Arduino, ESP32 or other microcontroller board.

Monk Makes Illiminata

£4.79 inc VAT


All Things RFID

Adhesive Paper Label - 125kHz

£0.36 inc VAT

Key Fob 13.56MHz

£0.50 inc VAT

Dual Card 125KHz


£1.49 inc VAT

Adhesive Tags (5 Pack)

£3.99 inc VAT

Glass Capsule - 125kHz

£6.00 inc VAT

RFID Qwiic Reader


£17.87 inc VAT

RFID Reader ID-20LA

(125 kHz)

£36.32 inc VAT

Simultaneous RFID Reader - M6E Nano


£217.99 inc VAT


How to Get Started with Electronics as a Hobby

Getting started with electronics and programming can seem like a daunting thing at first but they're amazing skills to learn! In this blog post, we're going to do our best to break down the best ways to get started and learn in this area.


Want some free publicity or general kudos for your latest personal or professional creation? Then send us an email to tell us all about it so that we can share your story with our followers on social media and maybe even here in this newsletter.

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