BBC micro:bit Buggy Lesson Pack

Cool Components  |  SKU: 3595
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The BBC micro:bit is a simple to use and easy to learn educational development board designed by the BBC for use within the classroom. Due to the simplicity of block programming and plug-and-play electronics, it's incredibly easy for beginners of all ages! The micro:bit helps support natural progression for learners allowing them to move away from block programming to JavaScript and MicroPython.

We understand that as teachers planning your lessons can be a long and tedious process and as a parent who would like their child to develop new and exciting coding skills, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

To help you save time and effort, we have developed a series of seven fun and engaging lessons to introduce your students or children to the world of block programming and robotics helping them learn and build on basic programming concepts and controlling a robot.

Note: This requires a BBC micro:bit and the :MOVE mini MK2 buggy kit (sold separately)


This pack contains the following lessons:

  • Lesson 1: What is Coding?
  • Lesson 2: Boolean Logic
  • Lesson 3: Variables
  • Lesson 4: How do Arrays Work?
  • Lesson 5: Coding Multiple Instructions
  • Lesson 6: Robot Wars (an optional fun lesson which can be spread out across multiple lessons.)
  • Lesson 7: End of Unit Assessment

With a scheme of work designed around the UK Computing Curriculum, each lesson comes with:

  • A Presentation: this includes a warm-up activity, learning aims/objectives, lesson content, questions/activities and learning checks.
  • Worksheet(s): these are used alongside the presentation to help guide your students with learning their programming skills to complete the objectives.
  • Homework Sheet: these can be used to help your students revise and solidify their learning from the lesson. 
  • Answer Sheet(s): these contain the answers for all worksheets and homework sheets, these can be used to help you mark the sheets, or can be handed out for peer assessment.
  • Lesson Plan: this is designed to help save you time in planning the lesson, and can be modified to match and include the needs of your learners.
BBC micro:bit Buggy Lesson Pack - Education
Cool Components

BBC micro:bit Buggy Lesson Pack


The BBC micro:bit is a simple to use and easy to learn educational development board designed by the BBC for use within the classroom. Due to the simplicity of block programming and plug-and-play electronics, it's incredibly easy for beginners of all ages! The micro:bit helps support natural progression for learners allowing them to move away from block programming to JavaScript and MicroPython.

We understand that as teachers planning your lessons can be a long and tedious process and as a parent who would like their child to develop new and exciting coding skills, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

To help you save time and effort, we have developed a series of seven fun and engaging lessons to introduce your students or children to the world of block programming and robotics helping them learn and build on basic programming concepts and controlling a robot.

Note: This requires a BBC micro:bit and the :MOVE mini MK2 buggy kit (sold separately)


This pack contains the following lessons:

With a scheme of work designed around the UK Computing Curriculum, each lesson comes with:

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