Learning Through The Summer

Learning Through The Summer

Do you or your children want to learn more during the summer? Our great selection of kits are guaranteed to keep everyone entertained for hours along with learning new and fun skills! Along with our fantastic educational activities and lesson packs here's some of our top educational products that make learning easy and fun.

1) BBC Micro:Bit

Learning Through The Summer

The BBC micro:bit is a simple to use and easy to learn educational development board designed by the BBC for use within the classroom. Due to the simplicity of block programming and plug-and-play electronics the micro:bit is incredibly easy for beginners of all ages! The micro:bit helps support natural progression for learners allowing them to move away from block programming to JavaScript and MicroPython.

2) Grove Zero - Car Kit

This kit allows you to make the smallest, coolest robot car in just a few seconds. Versatile magnetic adaptors allow you to quickly and easily snap the servos, motors, sensors etc together with no soldering required. This plug-and-play style system is backed up with block based programming making it a brilliant way to introduce younger kids in a fun and engaging way.

3) Grove Zero - Starter Kit

This kit contains 9 colour-coded, plug-and-play, and programmable electronic modules that have been specially designed for use in STEM education. Each of these plug-and-play style modules can be added or removed to make a huge range of different fun projects. Mixing this with the easy to use block based programming software and project handbook containing 10 brilliant projects you'll be making all sorts of fun experiments in no time.


4) Makey Makey with Conductive Kit

The Makey Makey is a great STEM product designed for learners of all ages! Due to its simplicity of block programming (Scratch) and using anything that is slightly conductive to hook up all kinds of fun things as an input, for example, playing Mario with a Play-Doh keyboard. A Makey Makey is a great and fun way to learn. Our conductive kit means you'll have plenty of options for all fun kinds of conductive activities.

5) Edison Robot

The Edison robot is a powerful, engaging tool for teaching children computational thinking and computer programming in a hands-on way with more built-in sensors than any other robot in this class including lights, sounds and autonomous behaviour. This programmable robot designed to be a complete STEM teaching resource for coding and robotics education for students from 4 to 16 years of age.

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