Grove - Vision AI Module V2

Seeed Studio  |  SKU: 4581
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The Grove - Vision AI V2 is a highly efficient MCU-based smart vision module driven by the Himax WiseEye2 HX6538 processor, featuring a dual-core Arm Cortex-M55 and integrated Arm Ethos-U55 neural network component. It integrates Arm Helium technology, which is finely optimised for vector data processing, it enables a significant uplift in DSP and ML capabilities without compromising on power consumption, which is ideal for battery-powered applications.

The Grove Vision AI V2 boasts an impressive inference time of just 33 milliseconds, a fast frame rate of 30.30 FPS, a gaming-like smooth experience, and efficient power consumption at only 0.35 watts. The Grove Vision AI V2 is a premium choice for high-performance vision processing.

What's on the board?

Grove Vision AI V2 is now compatible with all Pi cameras through a standard CSI interface. It is not only designed for vision applications but also features an onboard PDM microphone for sound applications. It comes with a SD card slot allows for convenient storage of images, videos, and identification results using an SD card.

With various interfaces like IIC, UART, SPI, and Type-C, this board has expansive capabilities and can be easily connected to popular products such as Seeed Studio XIAO, Grove, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard and ESP-based products for further development. For instance, integrating Grove Vision AI V2 with XIAO can effortlessly access the interface and data of Grove Vision AI V2 through Arduino, Micropython, CircuitPython, and PlatformIO, and conveniently connect to the cloud or dedicated servers like Home Assistance.


SenseCraft AI is a platform that enables easy AI model training and deployment with no-code/low-code. It supports Seeed products natively, ensuring complete adaptability of the trained models to Seeed products. Moreover, deploying models through this platform offers immediate visualization of identification results on the website, enabling prompt assessment of model performance.

Ideal for tinyML applications, adding vision AI to your smart sensor with Grove Vision AI V2 is made easy with the SenseCraft AI. Effortlessly deploy off-the-shelf or custom AI models by connecting the device, selecting a model, and viewing identification results.

Hardware Overview:

  • Powerful AI Processing Capabilities: Utilizes WiseEye2 HX6538 processor with a dual-core Arm Cortex-M55 and integrated Arm Ethos-U55 neural network unit.

  • Versatile AI Model Support: Easily deploy off-the-shelf or your custom AI models from SenseCraft AI, including Mobilenet V1, V2, Efficientnet-lite, Yolo v5 & v8. TensorFlow and PyTorch frameworks are supported.

  • Rich Peripheral Devices: Includes PDM microphone, SD card slot, Type-C, Grove interface, and other peripherals.

  • High Compatibility: Compatible with XIAO series, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32 dev board, easy for further development

  • Fully Open Source: All codes, design files, and schematics available for modification and use.


  • Microcontroller: Himax WiseEye2 HX6538 processor featuring a dual-core Arm Cortex-M55 and integrated Arm Ethos-U55

  • Onboard Peripherals: PDM Microphone, SD Card Slot

  • Rich Interfaces: CSI, IIC, UART, SPI, and Type-C

  • Input voltage: 5V

  • Power Supply: Dual 7-pin connector, USB-C, Grove Connector

  • Baud Rate: 115200

  • I2C Interface: Seeed Studio XIAO & Arduino

  • Frequency:

    • ARM Cortex-M55 Processor: Up to 400MHz(Big), Up to 150MHz(Little)

    • ARM Ethos-U55 MicroNPU: Up to 400MHz

  • Memory Card Interface: 1 x SD and SDIO host, supports DS mode, up to 25MHz

  • Internal System Memory:

    • Configurable system memory up to 2432KB

    • 64KB boot ROM

Grove - Vision AI Module V2
Seeed Studio

Grove - Vision AI Module V2


The Grove - Vision AI V2 is a highly efficient MCU-based smart vision module driven by the Himax WiseEye2 HX6538 processor, featuring a dual-core Arm Cortex-M55 and integrated Arm Ethos-U55 neural network component. It integrates Arm Helium technology, which is finely optimised for vector data processing, it enables a significant uplift in DSP and ML capabilities without compromising on power consumption, which is ideal for battery-powered applications.

The Grove Vision AI V2 boasts an impressive inference time of just 33 milliseconds, a fast frame rate of 30.30 FPS, a gaming-like smooth experience, and efficient power consumption at only 0.35 watts. The Grove Vision AI V2 is a premium choice for high-performance vision processing.

What's on the board?

Grove Vision AI V2 is now compatible with all Pi cameras through a standard CSI interface. It is not only designed for vision applications but also features an onboard PDM microphone for sound applications. It comes with a SD card slot allows for convenient storage of images, videos, and identification results using an SD card.

With various interfaces like IIC, UART, SPI, and Type-C, this board has expansive capabilities and can be easily connected to popular products such as Seeed Studio XIAO, Grove, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard and ESP-based products for further development. For instance, integrating Grove Vision AI V2 with XIAO can effortlessly access the interface and data of Grove Vision AI V2 through Arduino, Micropython, CircuitPython, and PlatformIO, and conveniently connect to the cloud or dedicated servers like Home Assistance.


SenseCraft AI is a platform that enables easy AI model training and deployment with no-code/low-code. It supports Seeed products natively, ensuring complete adaptability of the trained models to Seeed products. Moreover, deploying models through this platform offers immediate visualization of identification results on the website, enabling prompt assessment of model performance.

Ideal for tinyML applications, adding vision AI to your smart sensor with Grove Vision AI V2 is made easy with the SenseCraft AI. Effortlessly deploy off-the-shelf or custom AI models by connecting the device, selecting a model, and viewing identification results.

Hardware Overview:



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