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Newsletter Articles

  • July 16, 2019

    Meet LEMUR

    Meet LEMUR (Limbed Excursion Mechanical Utility Robot) designed by NASA. It is designed to scan for signs of life and able to reach places on the Moon and Mars that other robots are unable to. In this field test held in...

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  • July 10, 2019

    The drone that separates into microdrones mid-flight!

    The Singapore University of Technology and Design has created a drone that separates into a number of smaller microdrones mid-flight. The design of the microdrone was inspired by "helicopter seeds" that can be found on various trees, the microdrones fly...

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  • June 28, 2019

    Bouncing Robots!

    Students at a university in China wanted to study an affordable method of maintaining balance in quadrupedal robots when they jumped. So they did the best thing they could think of to test it by sticking it on a trampoline!...

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  • June 24, 2019

    First Robotic Arm Controlled by the Human Mind Without Invasive Implants

    With the use of a noninvasive brain-computer interface, researchers have had a breakthrough with the first robotic arm that can be powered by the human mind without the need for any invasive probes! Read the full article here: image source: Edelman...

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  • June 12, 2019

    Using Whiskers on Small Drones

    Whiskers are common on a huge range of different animals, from cats and dogs to sealife such as seals but why could they be useful on small drones? Animals use them for short range distance sensing, not only are they...

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  • June 5, 2019

    The Robot Controlled Using Muscle Signals

    Working together with another human is extremely easy, we can verbally communicate and instinctively adjust our movements depending on what the other person is doing. Having this level of collaboration with a robot yet possible but if it was it...

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  • May 29, 2019

    The World's Smallest GameCube

    A YouTuber recently released a video demonstrating their creation the worlds smallest GameCube which is housed in a sweets container! They've had to repurpose a Wii motherboard, relocate a number of components on the motherboard and create some custom power circuits....

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  • May 15, 2019

    The Robotic Assistant for Traffic Cops

    Traffic crime is a huge issue in the USA and every year there are a huge number of assaults during routine traffic stops. One company is creating a robotic assistant to try and help reduce the number of physical incidents...

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